Citizenship by Investment in Vanuatu

Vanuatu is an archipelago consisting of 83 islands, located in the South East Pacific Ocean east of Australia and west of the Fiji Islands. This island nation is part of the Commonwealth, has over 300,000 inhabitants and enjoys a tropical and sub-tropical climate. The capital of Port-Vila can be reached via international flights from Australia, New Zealand and the Fiji Islands.

The citizenship by investment program (CBI) mainly offers two options; a donation & investment option starting at USD 100,000 plus bond, and a Development Donation Program starting at USD 130,000. Family members can be added to the application for an additional donation amount. Vanuatu’s CBI program offers very quick processing and low government fees.

It should be mentioned that a Vanuatu passport grants visa-free access / e-visa access to 100+ countries including Russia and Singapore, but does not include visa-free access to the Schengen area. Previously, the Vanuatu program’s due diligence was relatively easy thereby reflecting negatively on the quality of the Vanuatu passport. However, in an effort to improve their passport’s appeal, Vanuatu has since significantly strengthened their due diligence process, decreased their donation amounts and added a redeemable investment option.

Vanuatu passports allow for freedom of movement and lightened residency requirements in selected commonwealth jurisdictions. The Vanuatu citizenship program is the cheapest and fastest program available worldwide. The island nation’s location in the South Pacific is ideal for anyone seeking a life far away from any mainland, while offering a very attractive business environment and a tropical life style.


  • Investment Program starting at USD 100,000 (plus redeemable bond)

  • Donation Program starting at USD 130,000

  • Visa Free Travel to 100+ Countries

  • Processing Time 1-2 months; fastest processing worldwide

  • No Income Tax, Corporate Tax, Inheritance Tax, Capital Gains Tax, Wealth Tax

  • Citizenship can be Passed on to Children

  • No Physical Presence Required

  • Additional Benefits Granted within Commonwealth

  • Ideal Remote Location in the South Pacific

Application Process

As in other jurisdictions, the local government in Vanuatu is responsible for the processing of all applications. Local laws stipulate the procedures and due diligence requirements, including which documents and application forms have to be included in the file. To make the process as easy as possible, the physical presence of the main applicant or family members is not required.

Once the complete application file has been handed in with the local government, due diligence checks and processing is very quick and takes only between 1-2 months; having said that, after the recent international developments, the process might take a little longer due to the increased number of applications. Once the government has concluded all their due diligence work and due process, the applicant will receive a confirmation of acceptance. At this point, the applicant is invited to make the investment within 30 days. The passport is issued thereafter, and can either be collected or will be sent via world-wide courier service.

Fees for the Vanuatu program are very competitive and include government application and due diligence fees, as well as professional fees. The fee structure and total amount vary depending on the program or investment option chosen and the number of family member / dependents. If you would like to find out more about the citizenship by investment options in Vanuatu, please get in contact with me.